Mediate BC Blog

Happy New Year!

Posted by Julie.Daum

I am all about new beginnings, and I take advantage of calendar dates like the New Year’s Day, the Lunar New Year, and Hoobiyee (the Nisga’a New Year) to envision what we can create.

This is the beginning of my first calendar year as Chair of Mediate BC, and so I am excited to envision what we can do this year as a community of conflict resolution professionals.

One of Mediate BC’s goals is to create an inclusive community of dispute resolution professionals and, in doing so, we want to expand the ways in which mediators and other community members are involved in the Society. Our Committees* are a great way to participate in creating that community. Let us know what your interests are and we can match you with a role in a Committee!

We are also excited to begin the process of recruiting new Child Protection mediators. Many of you will know that I began my professional mediation career as a Child Protection mediator, and I continue this work throughout central BC. I look forward to adding new mediators throughout the province to enhance the Program’s ability to provide appropriate services to children, families, and communities throughout the province. If you know people who might be interested in this work, please do invite them to apply or to reach out for more information.

What are you excited about in the world of conflict resolution for 2021?

I am looking forward to the ways in which we can co-create a thriving dispute resolution community that works to meet the needs of all citizens of this province.

- Julie Daum

* Mediate BC Committees: Equity, Diversity & Inclusion; Calls to Action (Truth & Reconciliation); Practice (including Admissions Panels, Practice Advisory, and Discipline); and Funding. 


Photo by David Luggi, entitled "The sun rising over Nadleh Buhn (Fraser Lake)".